Sheepishly I must admit, though I too learned about bees in elementary school and know about pollination, it was not until a few years ago when speaking to a farmer about the mysterious hive collapse phenomenon across the U.S. that is hit me like a ton of bricks that these creatures are the backbone of agriculture. Without bees pollinating everything there would be no crops. None. At all. It gave me a totally new appreciation for them.
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The notably larger Bumble Bee is a totally different species, a solitary underground dweller, and an indicator of a fertile eco system
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Some of Mark’s hives
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Some of Medovina’s whipped honey I purchased last fall along with honey filled truffles!
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Fermenting mead produces carbon dioxide which is released by this special bottle top
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Mark’s mead can be purchased the Boulder Farmer’s Market as well as a number of other locations in Colorado. You can access locations on his website (These are the locations where the Mead is sold.).
Kirsa says
For people interrested in creating mead at home, I suggest you might want to look for the SCA (society for creative anachronism) which is a not-for-profit organization devoted to recreating the arts and crafts of the medieval times (we talk between 600 and 1600 usually). Lots of people actually brew in the SCA, (and mead is a quite popular beverage, along with it's variations) and heaps of information on how to do it yourself is available.
have fun with your mead-making ๐
Lizzy says
As usual, you're a wealth of information…shared along with stunning photos. Thanks for sharing with us all~
Carolyn says
I've never tasted mead, though I'd love to try it. That story of the two queens, and building two colonies is just lovely.
Lo-mo says
Wonderful post! We must support our local bee keepers as bees are so integral to agriculture and to nature. I only buy from the farmers' markets here and just before the winter, I make sure to find the giant 3 litre containers so I have local honey all winter! Thank you for sharing and for reminding us of the importance of bees!
My Kitchen in the Rockies says
I have one of my German friends come over today. She keeps bees in Downtown Denver and I have to show her your post. I am sure she will love it. So did I!
Jason Phelps says
I'm surprised nobody commented about making mead at home yet. I am currently making a vanilla orange mead from honey that is local to my family's home in VT. We actually live 3 miles from a meadery here in NH that is doing some amazing things with flavored meads. It is the oldest fermented beverage on the planet and nearly a lost art. Get to work people! Buy some honey and make some mead at home!
Emily @ Life on Food says
I am absolutely frightened of bees. But so many of my favorite foods are completely depended on the pollination process. They are so fantastic little creatures.