I’m getting a jump start on fun DIY natural bath and beauty products this year and know that savvy gifters have been on the prowl for the same thing for about a month now! I often fall behind getting ready for the holidays, forgetting some needed gifts until the last minute. The great news is these natural products can be made in one sitting, often with ingredients you already have in your pantry!
I think almost everyone appreciates a natural product for the bath or body and there are so many creative options available. The great thing about them is they are made with whole, healthy ingredients, and are usually quite affordable and easy to make. Favorite scents can be added into moisturizing scrubs. Therapeutic bath additives can be created with muscle-soaking salts. Essential oils can be a great pick-me-up for tired holiday shoppers, or relaxing when one’s schedule doesn’t allow enough down time.

Fun containers make gifts all the more special too. Craft stores have a variety of options to choose from. This year I noticed an entire section devoted to accoutrement for Mason jars; gemstone studded lids, decorative lid inserts, colored jars and fun labels. Creating natural bath products can be a great thing to do with a group of friends. Think cookie bake-a-thons only for bath and beauty products. In one session you could put together an entire assortment of gifts to make holiday baskets for loved ones! If you are like me you’ll want to keep a few for your own use too!

Scrubs for the Body and Face
Lavender Sugar Homemade Body Scrub {Wonky Wonderful}
Coffee Sugar Scrub {Gimme Some Oven}
Mojito Sugar Scrub {The Clean Dish}
Brown Sugar Scrub {The Idea Room}
Lemongrass Sugar Scrub {Always Order Dessert}
For the Bath
Candy Cane Bath Salts (with free printable labels)
Lime Swirl Bath Salts (with free printable labels)
Bath Fizzies {Martha Stewart}
Calming Sleepy Time Bubble Bath {Hello Natural Co.}
Lavender Bath Bombs {Homemade Ginger}
For the Body
Lime Mint Foot Soak {Tidy Mom}
Wild Orange Body Butter {The Idea Room}
Rosemary Mint Shaving Cream {Food for My Family}
Shaving Soap Recipes {Wellness Mama}
Healthy Skin Sea Spray {Wellness Mama}
Candy Cane Soap {Gluesticks blog}
For the Face
Tea Tree Oil Facial Cleanser {The Messy Baker Blog}
Chocolate Ginger Agave Lip Butter {Soap Deli News blog}
Do It Yourself Eye Pillow {Better Homes and Gardens}

Check out last year’s list of entirely different DIY Homemade options!
Homemade DIY Gifts: 25 Natural Bath and Beauty Recipes {2013}

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