Even the coldest of winter days will melt into cozy comfort with a Glasgow Hot Toddy (cocktail). This piping hot sipper is great to take the chill off or curl up with if you feel a cold coming on.
With the cold weather settling in I have a fire blazing all day and am craving hot food and drink to warm the insides. I noticed in my Facebook feed the other day, a hot toddy video floating by that instantly conjured my favorite smell and flavor of a Glasgow Hot Toddy, more commonly known in my house as ‘Uncle Wilson’s Hot Toddy’. It’s an original recipe on Boulder Locavore and one that was reprised live in Glasgow Scotland for me this past summer. So excited to share it with you now!
The genesis of this cocktail was originally shared in 2011 when a long-time Scottish friend, ex coworker turned adopted relative, was visiting us in Colorado. I’d befallen an untimely cold and was languishing on the couch in that scratchy sniffly early stage of a cold when Wilson sprang to action in our kitchen.
A shrieking kettle and the aroma of warm Scotch, cloves, and honey wafting in the air was a cozy greeting even before cupping the mug in my hands. It was just what the doctor ordered. Whether taking the edge off a winter cold or taking the edge off a chilly day, a Glasgow Hot Toddy is a what you want to be sipping.
We spent a week in Glasgow this past August with Wilson and his family, and sadly by mid-trip I was coming down with what ended up being pneumonia. One evening while I suffered silently on the couch, Wilson asked what I wanted to drink and though it was still summer (a chilly, wet one in that moment) all I wanted was a Glasgow Hot Toddy; and he obliged! It tasted like what being wrapped in a warm cozy blanket feels.
What is a Hot Toddy?
Believed to be invented in Scotland in the 1700’s, a hot toddy is a warm alcoholic drink using liquor (whisky, rum or brandy usually), honey, spices and hot water. It’s often sipped for a cold or cough believing is relaxes the body when taken at night before bed, help relieve congestion (probably from the hot water) and ease a sore throat.
How do you make a Hot Toddy?
If you look through different recipes you’ll note they all vary. Often there is very little water in addition to the liquor making a strong tonic. Some make it with tea instead of hot water. My preference is the way Wilson serves it up; a good jigger of Scotch Whisky, enough boiling water to dilute the whisky, mixed with honey and a clove-studded lemon slice. Allowed to sit for 5 minutes (you can cup it in your hands and inhale while it’s infusing) the flavors are the ultimate comfort cocktail.
How to make a Glasgow Hot Toddy:

Glasgow Hot Toddy
- 1 10-12 ounce heatproof Old Fashioned glass or mug
- 1 1/2 ounces Scotch Whisky
- 1 tablespoon Honey
- 6 ounces Boiling Water
- 1 slice Lemon (1/4 inch thick) studded with whole cloves
- Add the whisky and honey to the glass/mug and pour in the boiling water.
- Add the clove-studded lemon slice and allow to infuse for 5 minutes before drinking.
- TIP: To more easily insert the cloves into the lemon slice, pierce the lemon slice with the sharp end of a bamboo skewer first before inserting the clove.
Kelly Hutchinson says
I remember when I was a kid, my mom would make hot toddy drinks when it was cold. I had no idea what went into them. This was so interesting to learn!
Crystal says
I can imagine it must smell so lovely as the flavors infuse throughout your home. I must admit that I had heard of of the drink, but had no clue what was involved.
Our Family World says
This hot toddy would really warm you up! I should try drinking this again when I have a cold. Sometimes laziness creeps in and instead of going homeopathic, I turn to grabbing a pill. Saving your recipe. Maybe I should have one tonight even if I don’t have a cold. ๐
Travel Blogger says
This sounds amazing! I have got to try this. I have heard about them, but never tried one. That is a bummer that you got sick on your trip to Glasgow!
Brianne says
Hot toddy’s are my favorite in the colder months! This recipe looks yummy and easy!
Diana Elizabeth says
Now that the weather is getting colder, Glasgow Hot Toddy sounds so great. Very nice recipe.
Theresa says
I had no idea that it could be beneficial when fighting off a cold. That’s going to make my hubby real happy to hear!
Pam says
You know, I have never actually had a hot toddy. I didn’t even know the Glasgow Hot Toddy existed. I want to try it now.
Toni Dash says
Well if you try to order it at a bar they wonโt know what it is Pam. It really is our Scottish friends spin on a hot toddy.
Sara Welch says
I have never heard of a hot toddy. They sound pretty good though!
Meagan says
This sounds so delicious. I bet it smells heavenly.