If you’ve ever stared into your refrigerator wondering what to make for dinner you’ll love this list of 57 Dinner Recipes! Sometimes picking a recipe by the recipe itself isn’t enough (and if it is don’t miss our 76 Easy Dinner Recipes Planner).
There are types of recipes we feel like making and others we don’t. We’ve organized 57 tasty, easy dinner recipes by the type.
- Maybe you feel like using the Instant Pot or having breakfast for dinner.
- Or maybe a hearty sandwich sounds great to roll in the weekend.
- Or a delicious filling soup.
We’ve got you covered (meatless recipes included)!
All you need to do is look through the list and click one you like. You’ll land on the recipe page on BoulderLocavore.com and can get started.
In addition to the recipes this packet includes:
- a Grocery planner
- Weekly meal planner
Everything you need to plan things out so you can spend more time enjoying dinner than thinking about it!
Why we think you’ll love this:
- Instead of thinking up what to make CHOOSE what you want to make from what you are in the mood for
- Dinner ideas you may not have thought of!
- Save it on your computer or phone so it’s available whenever you need some inspiration help.